Healing Spring Guided Meditation

Healing Spring Guided Meditation
Mindful Gratitude
Healing Spring Guided Meditation

Jul 12 2022 | 00:17:05

Episode 24 July 12, 2022 00:17:05

Show Notes

Healing Spring Guided Meditation

Letting go of Judgments & Negative Feelings that May Impede Your Confidence and Self-Esteem.

What would it feel like to step into a NEW YOU? How can you learn to let go of those judgments and negative feelings that work to corrode your self-esteem?

How can you learn to love yourself unconditionally, no matter what?

In order to step into a new you, you must begin looking at yourself differently. The more you see yourself as this new you, the quicker and faster you will get there.

The journey towards optimal health and wellness is a process, not a destination.

This process is like peeling an onion in the fact that there are many complex layers you must go through to figure out who you truly are and what you truly want.

Stepping back and learning how to see yourself from a completely new perspective is crucial to changing your thinking. Learning how to view your mind and body from an objective viewpoint allows you to take a step back and see things more clearly without emotion getting in the way.

In this guided meditation, you travel to a beautiful healing spring, where you channel supreme self-confidence and step into your ultimate healthy body. 

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